Fascia: The Key to Managing Chronic Pain

fascia web

The body awareness that Restorative Movement develops is an important part of understanding the role of fascia in pain. Restorative technique are the best way to mobilize and release fascial restrictions and liberate the muscles and joints of the body.

Geting Unstuck

Getting Unstuck

Helping clients break free from what’s holding them back and unleashing their energy to create the life they desire is truly world-changing


Nature is a mirror to our own lives and growth, reminding us that every challenge we face is a crucial part of our journey.

Nature is a mirror to our own lives and growth, reminding us that every challenge we face is a crucial part of our journey.

Living Intentionally

Living with intention is a different way of responding to the world and in the world.



In our culture we are so accustomed to messages that tell us that bigger, taller, and faster is better. We need more of this, that and the other.

Being Present

Being Present

Why do we never want to be where we are? Have you noticed that most of the time we either look forward with anxiety or run from our past?

On Timing

On Timing

In life, everything is about timing. We can see an opportunity and if the timing is not right the details will not come together.

Pamela J Thomas

Your Pain-Free Life

Take charge so you can get and stay out of pain, and get your life back. Use the button below to book a 20-minute no-obligation discovery call.